Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Being a Winner

Being a winner means that you are in first place in a competition. Even coming in second and third place is considered being a winner. A winner is someone who tries really hard at something and works so hard on it that when it comes time to compete, they give it all they have and let the judges know it. Even if they don't come in one of the top places, they still know that they did their best and work even harder so they can get better. In my eyes, a winner is someone who tries their hardest at what they want the most and they have the end result that they want in mind. When they already have in mind what they want, they know how hard they need to work to achieve it. A winner, to me, is someone that does the very best that they can. Even if they don't win first place, they know that they tried their hardest, and that itself makes the person feel good about themself.

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