Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Taking a Stand Part 2

Considering the many brave, courageous people out in the world today, the few times that I took a stand seem pretty insignificant. But when I look at what I did and compare it to my life, my stands made a huge difference in my life. I think that my most memorable moment for taking a stand was when I stood up to my dad for not listening to my brother and I. This event may not sound very important, but the occurance of this stand made for a critical turnpoint in the relationship I now have with my dad.

My dad divorced my mom when I was in kindergarten and married his girlfriend the same week that the divorce was finalized between he and my mom. After spending 5 years with her, my dad divorced his wife and joined the sea as another single fish. Since then, he's been bringing girls in and out of mine and my brother's life. He gets a new girlfriend every few months and everytime he does, he says that she's "the one." But everytime they break up, he says that it was a mistake. Now he has a new girlfriend that he got at the beginning of this school year and he says that she's "the one." Although my brother and I usually try to get along with his girlfriends, this one is hard to deal with. She acts like one person in front of my dad and then a completely different person around us. She also says completely fake things about us to our dad to get us into trouble. How did we ever deal with such a woman?

One weekend, my brother and I were at our dad's for our normal every-other-weekend visit. Rather than spending all of his time with us, he wanted us to spend time with him AND his girlfriend. Well I can tell you right now that Chris and I did not want to spend our entire weekend with a woman we didn't like. So after we told our dad for 30 minutes that we didn't want to go, we were forced to go to her house. When we arrived, Chris and I sat on the couch in her house, saying nothing to anyone. Eventually, she got fed up with it and started yelling at my dad. My dad got fed up with us and told us to go sit in the truck. When he got into the truck, he was fuming mad. He was getting on to us all the way home. When we got home, he went to his room to cool down while Chris and I went to our rooms. Dad finally came into the same room as Chris and I and told us that we were going back to his girlfriend's house. After arguing with dad about it for a while, I called my mom to come pick us up because we didn't want to go to his girlfriend's house.

We went home after that. Taking a stand against my dad helped our relationship a lot because he now knows how serious we are about not spending all of our time with her.

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